Holy Week

 Holy Week is about telling the story of our salvation. Holy Week is about hearing again the story of God’s love for us. Holy Week is about worshipping Jesus, and giving thanks for our new life in Him.

This year, in addition to in-person worship,
all services will also be available on our YouTube Channel!
(schedule available below)

Holy Week Services

Maundy Thursday – 6:30pm
We sit with Christ and the Disciples in the Upper Room. As Jesus washes their feet, we wash each other’s feet. He institutes Holy Communion, and we celebrate at the Lord’s Table. He prays for them, and we pray for one another. And as he is arrested, we strip the sanctuary bare.

Good Friday Retreat – 7am-5:30pm LIVE
The Church is open all day for private retreat and reflection. Come as you are able. Stay as long as you like. Stations of the Cross will be available, as well as space for private reading and private prayer. The schedule of prayer services will be:
7am  – Matins   
( followed by the Great Litany)
9am   – Terce   
(followed by Lamentations)
12pm   – Sext   
(followed by Tenebrae)
3pm   – None   
(followed by Stations of the Cross)
5pm   – Vespers

Good Friday – 6pm
In this somber liturgy, we hear from Scripture, we pray from the Psalms, and we sing together in lament – for our sins and for those of the whole world. We recall Christ’s death for our salvation, and we gather quietly around the foot of His cross.

Holy Saturday Matins – 10:30am
Holy Saturday is a quiet time of prayer. We gather around Christ’s tomb to recall His promise to us – that death will not have the last word anymore. As we sing ancient words – “in stillness earth awaits the Resurrection” – we catch our first glimpse of the joy of Easter morning.

Easter Vigil – 8pm
The Great Vigil of Easter is the greatest and holiest celebration of the Church Year. We listen to the story of God’s unending love, as again and again He comes to rescue His loved ones. We kindle a new fire that will light our sanctuary, and then we rejoice that Christ is Risen! We sing and we praise, we shout and we proclaim because our Savior has triumphed. Death and sin are defeated, and we can experience His salvation.

We continue our celebration on Easter Morning, and every Sunday, at 11am!
We welcome you to join us in our worship!